バルカン半島の旅 第七話 「灼熱のモスタル」6月25日(日)
Should we stay or should we go?
— またか
※ ボスニアの北部からはボートに乗り換えて旅する予定なのです。
「シエスタに最高の楽園があるんだ」というミルザの言葉に飛びつき、結局おれたちはミルザと共にサラエボではなく、その “楽園”に直行した。
とモスタルの橋の近くでバーを開いてるサミュエル (25才 ムスリム) は答えた。
—今度この町に戻ってきた時には 受け入れてくれる連中がいる。
Balkans Travel Chapter 6. "Burning MOSTAR"
25th June. River Buna flows 15 minutes by car from Mostar.
We used to hang out there for chilling almost every afternoon.
Because it was so hot everyday in Mostar. We couldn't to do anything.
So just had "siesta" during the day.
The water of Buna is quite cold. Because the river rise just 2,3Km up from our place, even though there are not so many trees around Mostar. There seems like a oasis in the desert. The land scape of Herzegovina is so attractive!
Should we stay or should we go?
"We are thinking to move to Sarajevo today"
Bekim and Petter told me at the 3rd day's morning.
Again! " If you always rush like this, i can't shoot any documentary! "
I refuted.
" OK. We must shoot about this subject "
I thought those problem also taste of travel, So it's nice to shoot for our documentary.
We sat down by the river and had discussion about difference of our opinion in front of the camera.
" Because i couldn't have contact with the people who we met 1st night. You know,
everybody nice to us at the beginning. But it was just only for beginning " Bekim said.
" Because I have appointment with Norwegian friends in July. And i want to start boat trip" Petter said.
" If we rush so much like this, i can't shoot any documentary. It's like a just tourist. And it was good sign to meet nice people and to get place to sleep at 1st night. We should stay more longer" I said.
Right after the shooting, we met one friend Milza. He introduced one good place for Siesta.
So we headed to this place instead of Sarajevo.
It was paradise! Surrounding by the water falls, atmosphere is so cool!
" Oh i can stay here even more than a week! "
We swam in the lake. Bekim and Petter seemed very happy.
That's how i could stay here more longer.
Sign to leave Mili's place where he let us stay is actually place for artists. So every evening, interesting people hang out to here and had some beer in the garden.
" I want to join again this divided town through the arts "
Mili said on my interview.
" Divided " has started since the war in 90's. During the war, they had a big battle by the river between Croatian and Muslim people in Mostar. Still they have pain in their hearts. Still they have big wall in their hearts.
So Mili wants to join them again by the arts.
I had interviews to another people as well. All of them are around 25 years old.
Many of them had escaped to another country during the war like Bekim.
" Why did you choose to come back here? "
" Because here is my town " One young guy answered.
" There are only one people and one world. i want to live in peace. But if the war happen again, i will choose to stay here. I wll never escape again "
One night, we met one musician Nadim. He plays in the band is called VUNENY. He had to go to Sarajevo next day for interview.
" Bring me to Sarajevo with you " he asked us.
It was a good sign for us to leave Mostar. We felt it. Because all of us satisfied about Mostar. We knew we got place where we can come back someday. They will welcome us.
Next evening, we left Mostar with Nadim. Headed to Sarajevo.
" You were right "
Eventually Bekim agreed with my opinion to stay longer at each places.